In the 2010 elections I felt disgusted by the people I rubbed shoulders with, not only in Strood and Rochester but also in the wider Medway Towns, as we voted in the Tories to represent us. Anyone who has read this blog before will know I am no fan of the other two established parties either, they are essentially the same as the Tories but with a minor tinge of guilt, however, to vote in that lot shows an utter disregard by the people to the consequences to their voting. Foremost amongst these consequences, was the rise in unemployment and the comparison to the National, South Eastern, and Kent averages. To which it is higher than all three, significantly so when you compare to the local regions.
Most non-Kentish readers right now might be thinking Kent is rich, you are all toffs living in country manors, and sipping champagne to celebrate that large bonus, which for much of Kent I would be tempted to agree with, but not with my own little corner of Kent. Medway is different. Very different from that stereotypical image.
That is what annoys me so much about our collective decision to vote in Conservatives to run the entirety of Medway's constituencies. We need not drive for miles to see the economic disparity between the poorer regions of Kent and the one percenters making up most of this idyllic county. They are everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. Economic equality is localised and very visible to anyone who wants to open their eyes. That vote for the Conservative candidate was reckless, literally if you live within Strood and Rochester.
We have Tracey Crouch (Conservative) for Chatham and Aylesford, who does not think those on long term benefits due to illness or disability should be helped out more, or to even keep out work benefits in line with inflation. Congratulations Chatham, it is not like you have the worst unemployment in Medway.
Then there is Rehman Chishti (Conservative) for Gillingham and Rainham, who like Tracey hates those who need benefits to survive, and also felt need to increase the difference between payments and what you could buy with an increase in VAT. Congratulations Gillingham and Rainham, anyone who has strolled though those towns will know just how prosperous you are as a population, it is everywhere to be seen.
Finally, and the man who gave his name to my cheap pun, enter Mark Reckless (Conservative: at the time of the election) who voted much the same way as the previous two. What marks him out is that he has defected to the most Tory of the Tory imitators, UKIP.
Thanks to him (and your reckless voting) we have had a representative of the loony party representing us in Strood and Rochester, although we are the most well off part of the Medway Towns, we are not rolling in it. So to have an uber Tory deciding what is right for us should be considered a travesty. Have we lost our minds to allow that man to represent us. I think so.
Luckily he is standing down and we get a chance to vote for someone with a consciousness. I implore my fellow residents of Medway, sort out your voting habits, think about what you are doing, and open your eyes. Most importantly, vote for representation by a party that might actually do what what is best for our population.
Maybe give the Green party a chance. Have read of their website and you will know it makes sense.
Here's the Medway Greens website too if you're interested.
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