24 July 2014

Bloody Romanians, Coming Over Here, Taking Our Jobs And Our Overcrowded Homes

Okay, it is time to talk about that lot. Not the Romanians, I have nothing against them, it is the 'battalion' I am referring to. The Christian Crusaders of Britain, the inarticulate defenders of 'British Values', the collective of contrived facts spat fervently at anyone who is not 'Indigenous', the hypocrites in Britain First. There is so much I want to write about these people, but in the interest of keeping this brief I shall concentrate on one article on their website, one that came to my attention today.

Lets start with the obvious, this article is worded to cause hatred towards immigrants. The frighteningly large benefit payments being a particularly favoured technique of the tabloid/racist media to encourage the readers of trash like this to view all immigrants or the unemployed with suspicion. Anyone who in any (often fabricated) way can be identified as similar to the subjects of the article are labelled as a figmental drain on our dwindling and stretched resources. This is done oblivious to the contradictory facts that are usually glossed over in the article, thankfully this 'article' is no different. The article, as I have already pointed out, has a headline purposefully reminiscent of the tabloid benefit hysteria, it makes the reader instantly feel animosity towards an innocent family. 'Romanian immigrant family of 17 on £55K a year benefits seeking a bigger home', it screams "how dare you come over here and scrounge of us hard working British taxpayers". Where this hate mongering falls short is that later, and very clearly stated is this "The Tomas arrived here from Prahova in Romania in 2012, lured by the prospect of a better life for their children. Father Mihai, 47, says he earns £1,800-a-month as an electrician".

So where do these benefit payments come from and why are they getting them? Well thankfully this article was written by idiots, and as such they provided the answer. I say they provided the answer but in truth they just plagiarised this nonsense, passing off the racism as their own. It should be noted that the 'writer' is one of those idiotic racists who clearly can only be objecting to the fact they are not 'indigenous British' (a joke of a statement as it is), but pretending otherwise under some flimsy pretext. The article on this ridiculous and abhorrent website states that "Mihai pays £1,700-a-month rent but the size of his and wife Veronica's brood means they receive a series of benefits. The family say they get £2,500 in tax credit, £1,400 in housing benefit and £700 in child benefit which totals £4,600 a month". I could just leave that right there and assume you know what all of these benefits are for exactly; however, in the interest of clarity a breakdown of these facts would be quite useful now. That is shall provide.

Tax Credit: 'Tax credits are state benefits that provide extra income to people responsible for children, disabled workers and other workers on lower incomes'.
The key point is that this family receives these tax credits precisely because they are working and are paid poorly (especially for those living in London). If workers were paid better there would be no need for them. Simple as that.

Housing Benefit: 'You could get Housing Benefit to help you pay your rent if you're on low income'.
Obviously there are some regulations regarding eligibility, but if they are receiving it, which they are, presumably they are eligible. As they are eligible they are well within their rights to claim, in fact it is stated that they pay £1,700 per month in rent, on £1,800 per month wages it would be crazy not to receive this benefit. The real enemies here are the greedy landlords who fleece people and the system for every available penny.

Child Benefit: A benefit designed to help provide the essentials for all children, it is a relatively small payment per child and does not in any way cover the cost of raising a child. Child Benefit is paid at a higher rate for the oldest child. This is £20.50 a week. If you have other children, you get £13.55 a week for each of them'.
Hardly going to help the parents rake in the cash is it?!

Then comes the usual role call of knee-jerker's, racists or Labourtories/Conservatives/UKIPpers who jump on any bandwagon that diverts attention away from real issues. The two quoted in this plagiarised piece are Susan Hall and Glenn Hearnden. Interestingly, they omitted the UKIP MEP Tim Aker from their racist role-call but chose to paraphrase his quote in the Express article in which he stated that "this simply illustrates Britain's soft touch approach", using his tired analogy of Britain being a 'soft touch' in their first sentence (like most racists they cannot think for themselves). It is also possible they omitted that particular crack-pot because they are competing with UKIP for the title of 'grandmasters of all things little Englander', either way I couldn't care less; they are both equally deserving of any sane persons scorn.

One final note... you know an article is little more than racist fear-mongering when The Express and The Daily Mail are reporting the story, and is gaining favourable reaction on Storm Front.

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